Advent Heroes is Officially Canceled

Advent Heroes is no more.

After a thorough consideration of all aspects of the matter by which the game has been held back from active development in tandem with the withdrawal from Next Fest that was required in connection thereof, the difficult decision has been made to completely cease development and start over with an entirely new project which I hope will be easier to both manage and write from a narrative standpoint. The game's demo has been deactivated in connection with the decision, and the updates that would have been made for Next Fest have also been canceled. A message to Steam requesting its formal removal from public access will also be made at the earliest possible opportunity.

This is not a decision that I make lightly. However, it is necessary to state that the Zero Break philosophy not only calls for games which fit within unconventional designs and mechanics, the everyday issues arising from perspectives and challenges at the personal level, and/or unique character designs with unexpected stories to their names, but that it does so with the level of quality that players deserve. Tragically, Advent Heroes simply wasn't able to deliver on that standard and would require extensive modifications for which I am ill-equipped as an indie developer to undertake within a reasonable amount of time. Although every consideration was given toward attempting to update the project based on the extent of the issues which have come to my attention, the reality is that the size and scope of the game in its current form would likely result in major changes which would adversely affect the narrative as written and thereby further delay the game beyond what is reasonable in terms of the required amount of time for implementing not only the required changes, but also reworking whatever plot structures that these changes would impact the most.

Obviously, I am disappointed with myself for having to make this decision. However, I must reiterate that the game is simply not marketable in its current form, and the amount of content that has been developed prior to these issues being raised is simply too extensive for what would be required in order to bring the game in line with audience expectations. Had development continued as-is, the changes that would have been made in tandem with putting the finishing touches on the story would simply not have been feasible to undertake in any reasonable amount of time.

I appreciate everyone's understanding in this matter and apologize for the inconvenience.