Zero Break Games projects are no longer a priority for ID@Xbox consideration and will shift to a first-refusal submission policy for PlayStation console development, effective immediately. The decision comes following analysis of mass games industry consensus regarding the limitations of the Xbox platform's universal support requirement and its effect on potential optimization concerns. As this is not a matter that can be accommodated with the limited development provisions that can be made available for use, as well as the unsustainable cost and security concerns that are associated with self-testing for the respective platforms in relation to the available resources, this difficult decision has been made to ensure that the best possible versions of games can be released under the Zero Break label without sacrificing the functionality and quality that gamers deserve.
Although Project Advent Tail does not have any perceived impacts from this matter by consequence of its intended genre, it is also the only active project which is console eligible. As Zero Break Games is not in a position to gamble on technical issues which may result in project recalls from planned platforms, does not believe in short selling itself on gameplay experiences and is held to strict parity agreements between all platforms on which games are released, it is no longer possible to guarantee a reasonable level of support for Xbox devices at the present time.
By matter of policy, Zero Break Games can neither elaborate on internal business decisions nor discuss speculative matters which may arise thereof and will not provide further comment on the subject by consequence. However, it is assured that this is the best possible decision given the nature of the matter at hand by which full apologies are ascribed relative to any possible inconvenience, as well as the ascription of the full understanding of the matter in question.