Zero Break Games to Target Unreal Engine with Project Advent Tail

It's been over a month since the most recent update on activity with Zero Break Games, but that's primarily because there's a lot that's been going on behind the scenes that I couldn't go into detail on (or which was still in planning). However, things are now settling down into a formal plan for what is yet to come, and with that comes a change in development strategy as I transition to a new development framework with the adoption of Unreal Engine as the main target.

This change will benefit the work being done in many ways beyond simply moving to a different runtime framework. In particular, it enables the focus of Zero Break Games to expand beyond retro roleplay and into other genres with the first game now in planning. Project Advent Tail, which is based around the same worlds and central characters as the former Advent Heroes project, is envisioned as an HD2D action platform game combining 2.5D level design with prerendered character sprite assets.

The story for Project Advent Tail is also fairly similar to what came before, but with some very notable differences. For starters, rather than send the characters off to a parallel world that is vastly different from what we know, the tables have turned to where it is our world that is now central to the path of fate. By consequence, the characters from the distant world will become involved in affairs which will affect the very core of Earth itself... matters that could have very devastating consequences, perhaps even threatening the physical integrity of the entire planet.

It is on that note that Nefersila Takumis is sent to Earth for reasons which she is not fully aware at first, but which may well be related to the recent seismic disturbances within the very center of her own planet. A high-ranking knight within the Osiran imperial guard, Nefersila is tasked with the simplest of matters which can relate to the specifics of an isekai situation, with her response and survival in an environment that is both similar and functionally alien to her society being a prime concern. But what seems at first to be a matter of comparative investigation quickly devolves into an outright cataclysmic threat as the very nature of the situation back on her originating world is traced to a dying planetary core, making her ability to survive on Earth an imperative matter for confirmation as it will make or break the ability of her society to evacuate before the Osiran planetary structure collapses on itself.

Complicating matters further is that a being of great evil has also been studying these disturbances with the intention of using that knowledge in combination with the Osiran mana arts to influence the seismic behaviors of other worlds upon learning of the empire's evacuation plan... and is headed straight to Earth as a part of his grand scheme for putting that knowledge to the ultimate test. This puts the onus on Nefersila and her receiving hosts on Earth - siblings Alan and Kyla Larson - to stop this mad plan at its proverbial and literal core before all hope is lost and the destination planet imploded along with her own world.

More details regarding Project Advent Tail will be revealed in due course, but for now I will make note that the realism in environmental requirements for specific situations is being carried over from the prior project, as exemplified by the support equipment that will be central to the aquatic portion of their mission: